About Latize

Founded by two enterprising and impassioned geeks, Latize is an upstart in the realm of artificial intelligence, knowledge graph and Big Data. In a world constantly bombarded and inundated by information, Latize is heralding the new age of harnessed and directed data. You might have a set of preconceived notions around how your company’s data can work for you. Whatever you had in mind, Latize is going to upend it, give it a good shake, and set your data in front of you like you have never seen it before.

What we do at Latize is encapsulated in three pillars: data capture, data transformation, and data utilisation. Latize captures data from both within your organisation, and from public sources such websites, social media networks, etc to give you a comprehensive view of the landscape. Experienced in data handling, we transform your data to present it in ways that not only help you understand it better, but also maximises the insights you can glean from it to reach your objectives.

Latize’s ethos comes from understanding the importance of capturing the right data, rendering it usable to everyone, and leveraging it to achieve positive outcomes. What sets our team apart is that we understand the fluidity and dynamism of data, and can help you harness it to accomplish more.
Our Journey
The revolutionary road is never an easy one to travel and Latize knows that very well. As a young company, we have canvassed hard for our cause. We have had to walk away from the skeptic, but we have also gained strong allies on our path to a true data revolution. Here is a look at our victories so far: